Sunday, September 29, 2024 7:24 am EST

Lot 22-113. Licinius I. A.D. 308-324. Æ Follis. Heraclea mint, Struck A.D. 318-320.


Lot 22-113. Licinius I. A.D. 308-324. Æ Follis. Heraclea mint, Struck A.D. 318-320.

Licinius I. A.D. 308-324. Æ Follis (19.3 mm, 2.62 g, 11 h). Heraclea mint, Struck A.D. 318-320. IMP LICINIVS AVG, laureate bust right wearing imperial mantle, holding globe, mappa and scepter / PROVIDENTIAE AVG, camp gate with three turrets; SMHB/Λ in exergue and field. RIC 48 corr. near EF, superb blue-green patina.

The Λ in the right field is often mistaken for either A or Δ. RIC incorrectly lists the bust as facing left.

$  50.00
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 09 Dec 2014, 12:56:00)
Current time: Sunday, September 29th, 07:24:30

Bidding Details - Lot 22-113, Licinius I. A.D. 308-324. Æ Follis. Heraclea mint, Struck A.D. 318-320.
