Lot 25-030. Elymaian Kingdom. Phraates. Early-mid 2nd century A.D. Æ drachm. Susa mint (?).
Lot 25-030. Elymaian Kingdom. Phraates. Early-mid 2nd century A.D. Æ drachm. Susa mint (?).
Elymaian Kingdom. Phraates. Early-mid 2nd century A.D. Æ drachm (14.1 mm, 3.08 g, 12 h). Susa mint (?). ΠPA, bearded bust left wearing tiara with pellet in crescent; pellet inside crescent above anchor with one crossbar right / BACIΛEVC ΠPAATHC (blundered), Artemis standing right, not radiate, drawing arrow from quiver with right, bow in left. vant Haaff 14.6.1-3; BMC 1. VF.
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$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
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Bidding closed (Tuesday, 27 Jan 2015, 12:14:30)
Current time: Tuesday, February 04th, 19:49:54