Lot 3-179. Isaac II Angelus. 1185-1195. Æ tetarteron. Thessalonica.
Lot 3-179. Isaac II Angelus. 1185-1195. Æ tetarteron. Thessalonica.
Isaac II Angelus. 1185-1195. Æ tetarteron (21.8 mm, 4.29 g, 6 h). Thessalonica. O X AP-X MI, facing bust of Archangel Michael, beardless and nimbate, wearing loros and holding jewelled sceptrer and cross on globe / ICA AKI OC DE CPO TH C, crowned bust of Isaac, facing, wearing loros, holding cross-tipped scepter and akakia. SBV 2005. gVF.
A very nice example of the type.
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Approximately EUR / GBP
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 07 Jan 2014, 13:29:00)
Current time: Monday, February 10th, 20:30:07