Friday, March 21, 2025 12:49 pm EST

Lot 3-212. Chimu Phytomorphic Vessel.


Lot 3-212. Chimu Phytomorphic Vessel.

Chimu Phytomorphic Vessel. An exceptional Chimu phytomorphic vessel from Peru, ca. 1100 - 1450 AD. This superb orangeware example is 8-1/2" high and consists of four connected pepinos, topped with a stirrup spout. The spout is decorated with a band of molded pelicans on each side, as well as a bird adorno. In perfect condition, with great paint, mineral deposits and highly burnished slip. Ex Sarmiento collection. Value range $500 - $600 .

$  500.00
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 07 Jan 2014, 13:45:30)
Current time: Friday, March 21st, 12:49:09

Bidding Details - Lot 3-212, Chimu Phytomorphic Vessel.
