Sunday, September 22, 2024 7:33 pm EST

Lot 31-167. Diadumenian. As Caesar, A.D. 217-218. Æ dupondius. Rome mint. Very Rare.


Lot 31-167. Diadumenian. As Caesar, A.D. 217-218. Æ dupondius. Rome mint. Very Rare.

Diadumenian. As Caesar, A.D. 217-218. Æ dupondius (26.2 mm, 12.49 g, 5 h). Rome mint. Very Rare. M OPEL ANTONINVS DIADVMENIANVS CAES, bare-headed, draped and cuirassed bust right / PRINC IVVENTVTIS, S C, Diadumenian standing left, head right, holding scepter and standard, two more standards to his right. cf. RIC 212 (As); BMCRE 159. aVF, small flan crack.

A very attractive and expertly engraved portrait. RIC IV p.4 discusses the distinguishing features between dupondii and asses of the Caesars in this time period: "These denominations are normally distinguished in this period (A.D. 217-238) by their obverse types. That is to say, on dupondii the emperor's head is radiate and on asses it is either laureate or bare... There is, however, no corresponding device by which the two denominations may be distinguished in the case of the Caesars, Diadumenian and Maximus. The Caesares are invariably bare-headed... the weight of the coins, moreover, gives little indication of their denominational values, since asses are not infrequently heavier than dupondii. The composition of the metal is, therefore, the only certain guide." The metal on this coin is clearly yellow-brass, or orichalcum. It must be a dupondius. RIC only lists one known dupondius for Diadumenian, with a Spes reverse. BMC does not distinguish between asess and dupondii in their collection.

$  500.00
Final Price:
$ 380.00 (5 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 28 Apr 2015, 13:22:00)
Current time: Sunday, September 22nd, 19:33:38

Bidding Details - Lot 31-167, Diadumenian. As Caesar, A.D. 217-218. Æ dupondius. Rome mint. Very Rare.
