Wednesday, October 23, 2024 7:34 am EST

Lot 38-130. C. Marcius Censorinus. 88 B.C. AE as. Semuncial standard. Rome mint. Rare. Ex RBW collection (not previously sold).


Lot 38-130. C. Marcius Censorinus. 88 B.C. AE as. Semuncial standard. Rome mint. Rare. Ex RBW collection (not previously sold).

C. Marcius Censorinus. 88 B.C. AE as (27.5 mm, 9.23 g, 4 h). Semuncial standard. Rome mint. [NVMA POMPILI] ANCVS [MARCI], jugate diademed heads right of Numa Pompilius, bearded, and Ancus Marcius / C·CENSO / [ROMA], two arches; beneath left arch, spiral column with statue of Victory; protruding from right arch, prow, crescent above. Crawford 346/3; Sydenham 716. Fine, glossy patina, pitted. Rare.

Ex RBW collection (not previously sold).

$  100.00
Final Price:
$ 105.00 (7 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 11 Aug 2015, 13:04:30)
Current time: Wednesday, October 23rd, 07:34:54

Bidding Details - Lot 38-130, C. Marcius Censorinus. 88 B.C. AE as. Semuncial standard. Rome mint. Rare. Ex RBW collection (not previously sold).
