Monday, October 7, 2024 8:30 am EST

Lot 38-247. Basil I, the Macedonian. 867-886. AE follis. Constantinople mint, 867-876.


Lot 38-247. Basil I, the Macedonian. 867-886. AE follis. Constantinople mint, 867-876.

Basil I, the Macedonian. 867-886. AE follis (26.7 mm, 6.91 g, 7 h). Constantinople mint, 867-876. +bASILIOS bASILЄVS, Basil enthroned facing, wearing crown and loros, and holding labarum and akakia;l throne has curved arms and ornamented back / +bASIL/IOS Єn ΘЄO/bASILЄVS/ROMЄON, legend in five lines. SBV 1709; DOC 12. VF, smooth green patina.

$  150.00
Final Price:
$ 90.00 (1 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 11 Aug 2015, 14:03:00)
Current time: Monday, October 07th, 08:30:05

Bidding Details - Lot 38-247, Basil I, the Macedonian. 867-886. AE follis. Constantinople mint, 867-876.
