Sunday, January 19, 2025 10:08 am EST

Lot 39-302. England. "Bishop Boy" Token. 14th-15th century PB token. Cast at Bury St. Edmundメs. Rare.


Lot 39-302. England. "Bishop Boy" Token. 14th-15th century PB token. Cast at Bury St. Edmundメs. Rare.

England. "Bishop Boy" Token. 14th-15th century PB token (16.1 mm, 1.30 g, 12 h). Cast at Bury St. Edmundメs. SANCTVS NICOLAVS, Bishop's mitre / AVE REX GENTIS, long cross pattée with three pellets in each quarter. aVF. Rare.

During the Middle Ages, as part of the Christmas celebrations, churches and abbeys used to elect a choirboy as Boy Bishop. He would hold office from St. Nicholas' Day, on December 6, to Childermas or Holy Innocents' Day, on December 28, when he preached a sermon and then resigned. During this period, the choirboy was treated exactly as a real bishop would have been. He wore the bishop's robes, preached sermons and headed a procession in his honor but was not allowed to celebrate Mass. The custom honored St Nicholas, the patron saint of children. The Boy Bishop ceremony was in existence in Bury by 1418 but the earliest tokens date from about 1480. They were probably exchanged for sweetmeats or alms at the Abbey almonry or by charitable local tradesmen and merchants.

$  100.00
Final Price:
$ 60.00 (1 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 25 Aug 2015, 14:30:30)
Current time: Sunday, January 19th, 10:08:29

Bidding Details - Lot 39-302, England. "Bishop Boy" Token. 14th-15th century PB token. Cast at Bury St. Edmundメs. Rare.
