Monday, September 23, 2024 9:31 am EST

Lot 42-095. Phoenicia, Tyre. Valerian I. A.D. 253-260. AE 28. Rare. Ex Amphora Coins.

Unpublished in Standard References

Lot 42-095. Phoenicia, Tyre. Valerian I. A.D. 253-260. AE 28. Rare. Ex Amphora Coins.

Phoenicia, Tyre. Valerian I. A.D. 253-260. AE 28 (28.3 mm, 14.18 g, 7 h). IMP CP LIC VALERIANVS AVG, laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right / COLT VRO MET, Astarte standing facing, placing right hand on trophy and holding scepter in left, being crowned by Nike on column; Marsyas to inner left, murex shell to inner right. Rouvier -; BMC 450 var; cf. SNG Cop 370 (Sev. Alex.). aVF, yellow highlights. Rare.

Ex Amphora Coins.

This reverse legend is not listed in BMC, the only reference for this type under Valerian I.

$  100.00
Final Price:
$ 160.00 (11 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 06 Oct 2015, 12:47:00)
Current time: Monday, September 23rd, 09:31:23

Bidding Details - Lot 42-095, Phoenicia, Tyre. Valerian I. A.D. 253-260. AE 28. Rare. Ex Amphora Coins.
