Friday, September 27, 2024 11:16 pm EST

Lot 48-093. Syria, Coele-Syria. Damascus. Otacilia Severa. Augusta, A.D. 244-249. AE.


Lot 48-093. Syria, Coele-Syria. Damascus. Otacilia Severa. Augusta, A.D. 244-249. AE.

Syria, Coele-Syria. Damascus. Otacilia Severa. Augusta, A.D. 244-249. AE ([M · OTACIL · S]E[VERA · AVG], diademed and draped bust right / C-OL · ΔAMA [METRO], she-wolf standing right, suckling the twins Remus and Romulus; in background, vexillum inscribed LEG/VI F; in exergue, head of ram right. Rosenberger 41-4; De Saulcy 13; BMC 25. Fine, brown patina.

$  75.00
Final Price:
$ 67.00 (7 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 12 Jan 2016, 12:46:00)
Current time: Friday, September 27th, 23:16:39

Bidding Details - Lot 48-093, Syria, Coele-Syria. Damascus. Otacilia Severa. Augusta, A.D. 244-249. AE.
