Sunday, September 29, 2024 3:22 pm EST

Lot 50-183. Valentinian I. A.D. 364-375. AV solidus. Trier mint, struck A.D. 374-375. Rare type.


Lot 50-183. Valentinian I. A.D. 364-375. AV solidus. Trier mint, struck A.D. 374-375. Rare type.

Valentinian I. A.D. 364-375. AV solidus (20.0 mm, 4.45 g, 6 h). Trier mint, struck A.D. 374-375. DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG, rosette-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGG, two emperors seated facing, holding globe between them; behind and between them, Victory is standing with outspread wings, palm below; TROBC in exergue. RIC 17b; Depeyrot 43/1. EF. Rare type.

$  1,500.00
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Wednesday, 17 Feb 2016, 13:31:00)
Current time: Sunday, September 29th, 15:22:55

Bidding Details - Lot 50-183, Valentinian I. A.D. 364-375. AV solidus. Trier mint, struck A.D. 374-375. Rare type.
