Wednesday, September 25, 2024 4:15 pm EST

Lot 50-218. Ceylon, Chola Empire. Sangam Chola. 2nd century B.C. CU unit.


Lot 50-218. Ceylon, Chola Empire. Sangam Chola. 2nd century B.C. CU unit.

Ceylon, Chola Empire. Sangam Chola. 2nd century B.C. CU unit (11.9 mm, 0.89 g, 12 h). Tiger standing facing left, tail and right front leg raised / Elephant standing left, horse standing left behind the elephant, "srivatsa" symbol above the elephant and next to that an umbrella. Unpublished. VF.

$  100.00
Final Price:
$ 105.00 (5 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Wednesday, 17 Feb 2016, 13:48:30)
Current time: Wednesday, September 25th, 16:15:50

Bidding Details - Lot 50-218, Ceylon, Chola Empire. Sangam Chola. 2nd century B.C. CU unit.
