Tuesday, September 24, 2024 8:20 am EST

Lot 50-236. Low Countries, Brabant. Charles the Rash. 1467-1477. AR double briquet. Very Rare.


Lot 50-236. Low Countries, Brabant. Charles the Rash. 1467-1477. AR double briquet. Very Rare.

Low Countries, Brabant. Charles the Rash. 1467-1477. AR double briquet (26.5 mm, 2.57 g, 5 h). KAROL DEI GRA DX BG BRA Z LI, two lions, seated facing, briquet in center; mm: hand / SALVV FAC PPLM TVV DNE, Burgundy coat of arms set on cross fleurey. Frey 165; Levinson II, 22. De May 111. Toned aVF. Very Rare.

$  300.00
Final Price:
$ 292.00 (10 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Wednesday, 17 Feb 2016, 13:57:30)
Current time: Tuesday, September 24th, 08:20:56

Bidding Details - Lot 50-236, Low Countries, Brabant. Charles the Rash. 1467-1477. AR double briquet. Very Rare.
