Lot 57-318. Maya Bowl from El Salvador, ca. 400 - 700 AD.
Lot 57-318. Maya Bowl from El Salvador, ca. 400 - 700 AD.
Maya Bowl from El Salvador, ca. 400 - 700 AD. A rare Maya blackware bowl from El Salvador, ca. 400 - 700 AD. This intricately molded dish is 6-5/8 in diameter and is decorated with complex designs. The central focus is a simple solar motif quartering the dish with emanating rays, with intricate design panels filling the intervening spaces, all surrounded by a band of glyphic symbols. Ex Tribal Treasures Gallery. Value range: $500 - $750.
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$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
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Bidding closed (Tuesday, 14 Jun 2016, 14:38:30)
Current time: Thursday, January 09th, 17:01:57