Lot 486. Yugoslavia, Ministry of Finance, 4 Kronen on 1 Dinar, Not Dated (ca. 1919). PMG Choice Very Fine 35 EPQ.
Lot 486. Yugoslavia, Ministry of Finance, 4 Kronen on 1 Dinar, Not Dated (ca. 1919). PMG Choice Very Fine 35 EPQ.
Yugoslavia, Ministry of Finance, 4 Kronen on 1 Dinar, Not Dated (ca. 1919). Serial # 14H 0440024 Kronen on 1 Dinar note, no printed date (circa 1919)Issued by Ministry of Finance of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Ministarstvo Financija Kraljevstva Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca / Ministerstvo Financ Kraljevstva Srbov, Hravtov in SlovencevMinistère des Finances du Royaume des Serbes, Croates et Slovènes)Orange-brown on light tan underprint; helmeted head of Milo Obili at leftRed overprint on Pick 12PMG certification # 1609481-007. Pick 15 (Standard Catalog of World Paper Money: General Issues by Cuhaj); www.banknote.ws. PMG Choice Very Fine 35 EPQ.
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Current time: Friday, December 27th, 00:36:28