Sunday, September 22, 2024 9:30 pm EST

Lot 241. Syria, Trachonitis. Gaba. Trajan. A.D. 98-117. AE 24. Struck A.D. 112/13. Very Rare (RPC records only 5 specimens). From the Tom Buggey Collection.


Lot 241. Syria, Trachonitis. Gaba. Trajan. A.D. 98-117. AE 24. Struck A.D. 112/13. Very Rare (RPC records only 5 specimens). From the Tom Buggey Collection.

Syria, Trachonitis. Gaba. Trajan. A.D. 98-117. AE 24 (23.76 mm, 7.66 g, 12 h). Struck A.D. 112/13. [AYTOKP K]AIC NEP TPAIANOC CЄB ΓЄRM ΔAK, laureate head of Trajan right / ΚΛ ΦΙ ΓΑ - [ΒΗΝωΝ], Tyche standing facing, head left, holding cross-shaped scepter and cornucopia; in right field, ΑΟΡ (= yr. 171 = A.D. 112/13). Sofaer pl. 41, 16.; RPC III 3941. Good Fine / Near VF, black-green patina with lighter deposits in recesses 15+% off-center losing some legend both sides. Very Rare (RPC records only 5 specimens).

From the Tom Buggey Collection.

$  100.00
Final Price:
$ 155.00 (11 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 04 Sep 2018, 14:00:00)
Current time: Sunday, September 22nd, 21:30:00

Bidding Details - Lot 241, Syria, Trachonitis. Gaba. Trajan. A.D. 98-117. AE 24. Struck A.D. 112/13. Very Rare (RPC records only 5 specimens). From the Tom Buggey Collection.
