Lot 017. Troas, Alexandreia. Civic issue. 301-281 B.C. AE 14 half-unit.
Lot 017. Troas, Alexandreia. Civic issue. 301-281 B.C. AE 14 half-unit.
Troas, Alexandreia. Civic issue. 301-281 B.C. AE 14 half-unit (13.72 mm, 1.56 g, 12 h). Head of Apollo right / AΛEΞ, ethnic vertically upwards to left of Apollo Smintheus wearing himation, walking right holdng patera in right hand, arrow and bow in left, quiver over shoulder; mouse at his feet, right. Bellinger pg. 81, A22. Near VF, even, green patina, a couple of rim-nicks.
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
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Bidding closed (Tuesday, 20 Nov 2018, 12:08:00)
Current time: Wednesday, February 26th, 12:49:13