Lot 011. Macedon, Amphipolis. 168-149 B.C. AE 18. Scarce variety.
Lot 011. Macedon, Amphipolis. 168-149 B.C. AE 18. Scarce variety.
Macedon, Amphipolis. 168-149 B.C. AE 18 (18 mm, 4.80 g, 11 h). Diademed head of Poseidon right / AMΦIΠO-ΛITΩN, club within oak wreath; monograms above and below club. cf. SNG ANS 95 (different monograms); AMNG 26; SNG Copenhagen 52. Fine. Scarce variety.
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$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
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Bidding closed (Tuesday, 08 Dec 2020, 12:05:00)
Current time: Wednesday, February 26th, 12:40:08