Lot 006. Sicily, Katane. Circa 216/5-206. AE chalkous. Ex BCD Collection with his round tag.
Lot 006. Sicily, Katane. Circa 216/5-206. AE chalkous. Ex BCD Collection with his round tag.
Sicily, Katane. Circa 216/5-206. AE chalkous (19.1 mm, 4.96 g, 4 h). Jugate busts of Serapis and Isis right; grain ear behind, X (mark of value) before / KA-TA-NAION, Apollo standing slightly left, leaning on column, holding laurel branch and bow; at feet left, omphalos. Casabona 1; Calciati 22; SNG Copenhagen 190-2. Near VF, green and red patina.
Ex BCD Collection with his round tag.
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Approximately EUR / GBP
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 18 Apr 2023, 12:02:30)
Current time: Wednesday, February 26th, 12:49:37