Friday, January 31, 2025 7:42 pm EST

Lot 293. Constantius I. A.D. 305-306. AE 16 half-follis. Posthumous commemorative for Constantius I (d. 306) by his son, Constantine I. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 317/18.


Lot 293. Constantius I. A.D. 305-306. AE 16 half-follis. Posthumous commemorative for Constantius I (d. 306) by his son, Constantine I. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 317/18.

Constantius I. A.D. 305-306. AE 16 half-follis (16.2 mm, 1.56 g, 12 h). Posthumous commemorative for Constantius I (d. 306) by his son, Constantine I. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 317/18. DIVO CONSTANTIO PIO PRINCIPI, laureate and veiled bust of Constantius I right / REQVIES OPTIMO-RVM MERI[TORV]M , Constantius I veiled, seated left in curule chair, raising hand and holding short transverse scepter // ·TS·A·. RIC VII 25. Good VF, obverse well-struck and centered with glossy green patina / reverse somewhat off-center, crowding and losing some legend, matte olive patina.

$  100.00
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024, 14:26:00)
Current time: Friday, January 31st, 19:42:42

Bidding Details - Lot 293, Constantius I. A.D. 305-306. AE 16 half-follis. Posthumous commemorative for Constantius I (d. 306) by his son, Constantine I. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 317/18.
