Lot 305. Constantine I. A.D. 307/10-337. AE 20. Ticinum mint, Struck A.D. 319-320.
Lot 305. Constantine I. A.D. 307/10-337. AE 20. Ticinum mint, Struck A.D. 319-320.
Constantine I. A.D. 307/10-337. AE 20 (19.6 mm, 2.99 g, 1 h). Ticinum mint, Struck A.D. 319-320. CONST-ANTINVS AVG, cuirassed bust of Constantine I, wearing created helmet, right / VIRTVS EXERCIT, two bound captives seated back to back either side of vexillum inscribed VOT / X X in two lines // PT. RIC VII 114. VF, well struck and centered on slightly ovoid flan, much silvering remains, but has turned goldish mottled with dark brown areas.
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Approximately EUR / GBP
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024, 14:32:00)
Current time: Thursday, February 27th, 05:05:35