Monday, September 9, 2024 5:20 pm EST

Lot 335. Constans. A.D. 337-350. AE 23. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 349-350.


Lot 335. Constans. A.D. 337-350. AE 23. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 349-350.

Constans. A.D. 337-350. AE 23 (23.3 mm, 5.20 g, 12 h). Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 349-350. D N CONSTA-NS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust of Cosnstans right / FEL TEMP REPARATIO, Constans standing in prow of galley, head left, holding eagle on globe and labarum; Victory sitting, steering, at the tiller // TESĪ“. RIC VIII 109; LRBC 1639. Choice EF, Portrait in good style, well-struck and centered on full-size flan; dark olive patina.

$  75.00
Final Price:
$ 0.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 23 Jul 2024, 14:47:00)
Current time: Monday, September 09th, 17:20:31

Bidding Details - Lot 335, Constans. A.D. 337-350. AE 23. Thessalonica mint, Struck A.D. 349-350.
