Lot 645. Faience Eye of Horus. Egypt, Amarna Period, XVIII Dynasty, 1350-1300 BC. Time of Tutankhamun. Rare early dynasty.
Lot 645. Faience Eye of Horus. Egypt, Amarna Period, XVIII Dynasty, 1350-1300 BC. Time of Tutankhamun. Rare early dynasty.
Faience Eye of Horus. Egypt, Amarna Period, XVIII Dynasty, 1350-1300 BC. Time of Tutankhamun. Faience eye with blue green glaze and raised dark pupil with incised details. 20 mm long. A few tiny chips, otherwise choice with good color. Rare early dynasty.
Final Price:
$ 275.00 (0 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
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Bidding closed (Monday, 25 Jan 2016 10:58:04)
Current time: Monday, March 17th, 05:26:34