Wednesday, October 16, 2024 10:20 am EST

Lot 33-104. Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. A.D. 138-161. Æ drachm. Dated RY 18 of Antoninus Pius (A.D. 154/5). Unrecorded legend variety. Ex Alex G. Malloy Collection; E. T. Newell Collection (with his collection envelope).


Lot 33-104. Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. A.D. 138-161. Æ drachm. Dated RY 18 of Antoninus Pius (A.D. 154/5). Unrecorded legend variety. Ex Alex G. Malloy Collection; E. T. Newell Collection (with his collection envelope).

Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. A.D. 138-161. Æ drachm (31 mm, 20.85 g, 12 h). Dated RY 18 of Antoninus Pius (A.D. 154/5). Unrecorded legend variety. [AVT K T AIΛ AΔP ANTω]NINO-C CЄB ЄVC[ЄB], laureate and draped bust left / Sarapis seated left, extending hand and holding scepter; at feet to left, Kerberos seated left; date (L I-H) across field. Köln -; cf. Dattari (Savio) 2845 (legend); cf. K&G 35.660 (same). Fine, green and brown patina.

Ex Alex G. Malloy Collection; E. T. Newell Collection (with his collection envelope).

$  75.00
Final Price:
$ 45.00 (1 bid(s))
Approximately EUR 0.00 / GBP 0.00
Time remaining:
Bidding closed (Tuesday, 26 May 2015, 12:51:30)
Current time: Wednesday, October 16th, 10:20:14

Bidding Details - Lot 33-104, Egypt, Alexandria. Antoninus Pius. A.D. 138-161. Æ drachm. Dated RY 18 of Antoninus Pius (A.D. 154/5). Unrecorded legend variety. Ex Alex G. Malloy Collection; E. T. Newell Collection (with his collection envelope).
