Lot 556. Framed Manuscript Book of Hours Page. Low Countries XV Century AD.
Lot 556. Framed Manuscript Book of Hours Page. Low Countries XV Century AD.
Framed Manuscript Book of Hours Page. Low Countries XV Century AD. Vellum manuscript page of the Hours of the Virgin in Flemish/Dutch with scattered Latin phrases with three large capitals and red border on left of text. Text at bottom is typical: after the "die ierste lece". i.e. the first lesson. with the large capital H, reads Heilighte Marie iconcgrouwe ?, Holy Mary virgin". 3.5" x 4.5". Unusual vernacular prayer-book leaf. Framed and matted. Makes a nice display.
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Bidding closed (Tuesday, 07 Jul 2020, 16:37:30)
Current time: Friday, March 14th, 10:12:36